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What is 科技周? This is the final week of a production, during which all the different elements that students have been working on finally come together to make the finished production! During 科技周, we add all the scenery, 照明, 声音, 服装, and makeup to what the actors have been doing and polish everything up. This week is generally thought of as the greatest week of any production, and it’s so much fun!

Four Parts of 科技周



In the fall, we typically have one full day on the 周六 before opening night (9:30 a.m. 至下午5时.m.). Then we rehearse on weekdays after school until 9:00 p.m. On performance days, we’re usually done around 10:00 p.m. 星期五 and 周六, and 2:00 p.m. on 周日 (this includes after-show clean-up).

The Week Leading Up to Opening Night:


Light hang - Special invite-only


Load-in - 舞台工作人员 and Stage Management

周一 & 周二

Technical rehearsal - 舞台工作人员, Stage Management, Actors

周三 & 周四

Dress Rehearsals - Everyone

星期五 - 周日

表演 - Everyone

Spring Musical

In the spring, the schedule is more involved, because this is our biggest production. Load-in happens over two days on the weekend prior to opening night, from 9:00 a.m. 至下午6时.m., and rehearsals last until 10:00 at the Moore Theatre.


Truck load - 舞台工作人员, 服装的船员, Hair and Makeup Crew, 

and Stage Management


Load-in at the Moore - 舞台工作人员, 服装的船员, Hair and Makeup Crew, and Stage Management


Load-in continues at the Moore - 舞台工作人员 and Stage Management

周一 & 周二

Technical rehearsal - 舞台工作人员, Stage Management, Actors, 服装的船员, and Hair and Makeup crew

周三 & 周四

Dress rehearsals - Everyone

星期五 - 周日

表演 - Everyone

朋友 support during 科技周

It’s important to note that, during tech week, the Performing 艺术 League 支持ers (朋友) provides meals to keep everyone fed and energized! Learn more about 朋友.